We all know that your driving record matters, but in reality, not every violation is truly scrutinized by the insurance industry and results in a rate increase.

That’s because some motor vehicle laws are remnants from a bygone era – or perhaps just overzealous lawmakers. The InsuraMatch team scoured the ‘Net looking for some of the craziest laws still on the books.

Here’s what we found:

New York: The Empire state has more than its fair share of wacky laws. Officials in Sag Harbor, NY, decree that disrobing in your car is an illegal act. Unless you’re changing in the car for a sports game, we suggest disrobing in a car isn’t a crime in most cases, unless it leads to acts that may not be appropriate publicly. The violation seems incongruous with another state law that allows women to go topless in public, as long as they’re not doing so as part of a business.

New Jersey: The Garden State may get an unfair share of state-targeted jokes but passing a vehicle is serious business there. In Jersey, you’re required to honk your horn or warn others before you pass on highways. Another touch of trivia: It’s also illegal to wear a bullet-proof vest while committing a murder. We’d guess the latter is the more serious of the two crimes.

Pennsylvania: The Keystone State takes pride in its livestock. If you’re driving on a country road, the law states, you are required to stop every mile and fire off a rocket to warn farm animals of your passings by. Oddly enough, it’s illegal for Pennsylvania fireworks stores to sell to Pennsylvania residents and for residents to actually use them. It is also illegal to use dynamite to catch fish.

Massachusetts: OK, we all know Massachusetts doesn’t fall into the category of your “typical state.” The home of the Red Sox and clam chowder is not very welcoming to primates, however. In the Bay State, police take it very seriously if someone operates a car with a gorilla in the backseat. It’s not only illegal, but highly frowned upon. One of their older laws also bans Quakers and witches.

West Virginia: File this one under what’s legal… In this state, if you scavenge road kill – it’s all yours. Bon appetit.

Ohio: If you need to call a cab after your vehicle breaks down – that is totally legal. However, don’t attempt to ride on the cab’s roof. That’s definitely illegal. It is also illegal to fish for whales on Sunday. Do they have wild whales in Ohio?

Oklahoma: Many states have distracted driving laws concerning texting, cellular phone calls, and even eating while behind the wheel. In Oklahoma (it’s OK to sing it), comic books are apparently the big problem. Don’t let Oklahoma’s finest catch you reading an Archie mag while cruising down the roadway. Fun fact: It’s also illegal for a bar owner to allow anyone inside to pretend to have sex with a buffalo.

North Carolina: This state, particularly Dunn, NC, has many laws targeting wild drivers and hooligans. The three biggies are: it’s illegal to play in traffic, you can’t drive through a cemetery unless you’re there to dig a grave or bury someone, and you’re not allowed to drive on sidewalks. There’s nothing like the law to step in when common sense dies a horrible death. Just in case you were wondering, it is also very illegal to use elephants to plow cotton fields too.

Texas: Although we couldn’t find a truly unusual Texas traffic law, we found one that does pertain to driver safety. In the Lone Star State, it is illegal to sell one’s eye.

California: OK, Ok, easy target, we know, but here we go. California has a few doozies. First, if you think that roadway looks cozy – just  forget it. It’s illegal to use a road as a bed there. It’s also a violation to plant rutabagas in roadways in Chico, CA. Last, but probably not least, you’ll face the long arm of the law if you attempt to illegally jump from a car going 65 mph in Glendale. We’d say the last one would generally be a very bad idea no matter where you are.

Georgia: If you think shaving off a few minutes of your commute by driving through a playground is a good idea – well, think again. That is definitely illegal in Dublin, Georgia, and we’re pretty sure parents and children also disapprove of the practice too. It’s also illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket on a Sunday. Again, it’s not a good idea even in states where such practices are legal.

Connecticut: We all know hunting can be a drag – all that walking and waiting and ugly orange attire. Why not just drive through the woods and start shooting away? Well, that’s a bad idea no matter where you live, but in Connecticut, it’s also a law of the land that drive-by hunting is a no no. Bambi, 1; Drive-by hunters; 0. By  the way, not to pick on California again, but it’s illegal to shoot wild animals from your car there too – unless it happens to be a whale.

Alabama: Ever feel like taking a spin around the block while blindfolded? Not in Alabama, my friend. Driving with a blindfold on will definitely get you pulled over – unless you wrap yourself around a tree first. Driving barefoot is also a violation too.

Nevada: Don’t attempt to ride your camel on a highway in Nevada. It’s against the law. The good news is that apparently it’s technically still “legal” to hang someone for shooting your dog on your property. Well, it’s best not to attempt either act.  


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